January 23, 2025 update:
We're skipping the layout design challenge this year due to lack of participants. We'll look forward to seeing your great layout design skills at next year's layout design challenge!
Want to show off your layout design skills, or test how well you can design for an unfamiliar space? Every year, the PCR Layout Design & Operations meet suggests a particular design problem - how to design a layout for a given space, a specific location, or a particularly challenging situation. We invite meet attendees to design a model railroad to meet the challenges, then give a short (5 minute) presentation at the meet.
For this year's design challenge, participants will design a part of a modular layout based on Sacramento's R Street industrial track. This was the original 1856 route of the Sacramento Valley Railroad and the first railroad in California. By the 1920's, the area had industrial trackage for the Southern Pacific and Western Pacific railroads, serving a bunch of industries in the area - a perfect setting for model railroad switching!
See the full design challenge for full deails about the challenge.
Challenge participants should contact Bruce Morden ASAP to note interest. Submissions and presentation must be submitted to Bruce by January 20, 2025.